Mount Hope is published both online ( and in print. We release one to two pieces a month, for the duration of that month; all these monthly releases will be collected in a print annual, with authors receiving contributor copies. If your work is accepted, you can expect your online release within 90 days, typically.

We're looking for literary fiction (up to 5,000 words), poetry (up to 5 poems may be submitted together) and nonfiction essays and memoirs (up to 5,000 words). We welcome aspiring writers and seasoned authors. We have a strong commitment to a diversity of voices and experiences. We do not look at previously published work unless in translation and noted as so.

Please include your name and email address on your manuscript.


12/1/21 Congratulations to author Amy Amoruso, whose essay "Your American Dream" cited as "Notable Essays of 2020" in Best American Essays 2021. 

(11/7/20) Congratulations to authors Cicily Bennion and Don Lago, whose essays were cited as "Notable Essays of 2019" in Best American Essays 2020. Bennion's "About Boredom" appeared in Mount Hope 17, and Lago's "Life Is An Island" in Mount Hope 16.

(10/30/19) Congratulations to author Kirtan Nautiyal, whose essay "Down The The Marrow of Our Bones" (Mount Hope 14) was cited as a "Notable Essay of 2018" in Best American Essays 2019.

(9/18/18) Congratulations to author Peter Grandbois, whose essay "Passion" (Mount Hope 12) was cited as a "Notable Essay of 2017" in Best American Essays 2018.

We publish literary graphic stories and excerpts of graphic novels. Be aware we have a vertical format and the images sent must conform. We typically run 10-12 images with multiple panels per page. See issues of our magazine in ISSUU for examples. We prefer submissions be one entity, such as a PDF booklet. We'll request high-quality images if we choose to publish.

We publish up to 12 images that tell stories about people. See past issues for examples. Please no landscapes, still lives or staged work. We'd prefer your submission be a single entity, such as a pdf booklet or Word file. If we choose to publish, we'll request higher-quality images from you.

Literary nonfiction of up to 5,000 words. Original work; first serial rights only. Please no academic papers or opinion pieces. PLEASE put your name and email address on your manuscript.

We seek pieces written with an attention toward masterful prose, abut subject that matter. Memoir must be about something bigger than pure reminiscence; we prefer essays that address big questions in the culture in which we write. We shy away from the purely political, the purely religious and the purely doctrinaire. We prize innovation and originality over the same old thing.
We do not look at previously published work unless in translation and noted as so.

Literary fiction, up to 5,000 words. Original work; first serial rights only. Please format properly. PLEASE put your name and email address on your manuscript.

We seek literary fiction that matters, something that speaks to the world about something that matters. Tell us the story you're burning to tell.

We value authors who show a mastery of prose. The lyrical rather than the plain; the intriguing rather than the expected. We value innovation and don't mind work that might be a bit odd or eccentric, if it's interesting.

We don't publish genre fiction, but we do consider submissions of literary work that uses genre conventions. Think Ishiguro, Le Guin, Murakami, and those serious writers who go beyond genre.

We can take up to six months to reply, given the cycles of the work, but we'll try to get back to much sooner than that.

We do not look at previously published work unless in translation and noted as so (in with translations, the full legal permission of the author being translated).

And please: Put your name and contact info on the manuscript itself.

Mount Hope Magazine